honey&gazelle Design Studio was set up with the intention of sharing messages of love and happiness through design and it has always been a mission to bring paper and good old-fashioned letter writing back into our increasingly digital world. Do you remember writing to a friend years ago and waiting eagerly for a reply? Long gone are the days when we would excitedly open our letterboxes at the end of the day. In recent years, our letterboxes are usually just filled with bills, bills, advertising mailers from random companies, and more bills. We wholeheartedly miss exchanging cards, letters, and postcards filled with random rantings, silly anecdotes and heartfelt words with our friends and pen pals. Pen pals! When was the last time you heard that word? It is our belief that the best mail is handwritten, and handwritten mail is happy mail! And therefore, we are thrilled to introduce Write Away Week where we will give away one free random postcard or greeting card with every online purchase. We hope that this would encourage more letter writing and happy mail, as customers are strongly encouraged to write to their friends, family, or long-lost pen pals with the freebie to share the love and happiness!
Write Away Week is a monthly movement and would last for one full week per month. For the month of March, Write Away Week is from 19 March to 25 March. No coupon code is needed to receive the freebie postcard or greeting card. In the months to come, we will also be creating limited edition postcards and greeting cards just for this movement! It's really time to write away, right away to someone you are missing dearly. - Let's start writing! With Love, Min+Jia.
Some time back in June, we were approached by the Sample Store to design a range of limited edition postcards for the company's Giftopia Movement campaign. Concerned about the daily addiction to technology and the weakening emphasis on real-life relationship building amongst loved ones, the company wanted to release attractive and fun postcards to encourage communication, the postal-way. And, that's where we came in! honey&gazelle Design Studio designed 18 postcards that were split into sets of threes. We also created an overarching hidden message that would be revealed upon the collection of all the postcards. There is a total of eight sets of postcards to be collected - six sets designed by us and an additional two sets of postcards created by the Sample Store. Simply arrange the postcards in a gorgeous rainbow gradient and with a little bit of brains and hard work, the message will be revealed! We were so thrilled with the designs of the postcards and have been waiting with bated breaths to get the go-ahead from the company to make the announcement. All six sets have finally been manufactured and released by the Sample Store! To our delight, Sample Store produced postcards with pre-paid local (Singapore) postage. How fancy, huh? All you really need to do is write and post! There is absolutely no need to find a stamp to lick and paste. Haha, gotta hate the taste of glue, right? We rarely share about the corporate and studio projects that we work on. So, we thought it would be nice to reveal one project and see if you enjoy reading about our studio work on our blog! Keep reading to find out more about the different concepts of the postcard sets, and if you are bored, don't worry, regular blogging will resume after this post :) (Above) The Love Set This should look pretty familiar, right? Yes, based on our bestselling Say It With Words Greeting Cards, the Love series is a throwback to the good old days of expressing your love with words because everyone loves receiving snail mail straight from the heart! The Love series features our signature artful concoctions of smooth washes of watercolours and delicate illustrations mixed with dainty script to exude the scent of dreamy-eyed tenderness and romance. (Top L) The Reconnecting Set How often have you reminisced about the good times with someone whom you have lost touch with? It is, sadly, a pretty common occurrence as people grow up, embark on different paths in life, and do their best to survive in a competitive hectic world. The Reconnecting series is a lighthearted and simple way to spark new conversations with your old friends. If you have been meaning to rekindle old ties and reconnect with the people you miss, this postcard series is perfect for it! (Top R) The Happy Set Yay, also based on our bestselling Say It With Words Greeting Cards, the Happy series is all about the vibrant strips of watercolours with fun and uplifting hand-written quotes. Share sheer positivity and cheer with these postcards because any surprise snail mail with encouraging words will definitely brighten up someone’s day! (Bottom) The I Spy Set Yep, we produced a special edition of our favourite I Spy puzzle postcards for the Sample Store. This set of I Spy postcards feature letter-writing related illustrations in fresh and cheerful colours. Search for that one unique illustration within the artwork; there is just one that stands alone from the rest! (Top L) The I Jio You Set
‘I Jio You’ is a popular Singlish phrase used by many when asking their friends out for a gathering. As creators of paper with personality, our take on the classic lingo is one of restrained boldness and tongue-in-cheek simplicity. With this series of I Jio You postcards, your friends will now have no reason to say “eh, you bo jio!” once they receive a handwritten invitation from you. How’s that for some understated classiness with Singlish? (Top R) The Motivation Set Last but not least, the Motivational postcard series is an adaptation of our motivational art prints. The postcard series features gorgeous and bold watercolour backgrounds with hand-brushed original quotes that aim to lift you out of the dark abyss. Pass this on to a friend who needs some comfort and encouragement as a way to show that you care. These postcards are only available for purchase at the Sample Store website, so if you are interested, just head on over to their website for more details! - Did any of the postcard sets catch your eye? Tell us which set is your favourite and if we should continue to post highlights from our studio work! With Love, Min+Jia. |
Min+JiaThe humans behind honey&gazelle Design Studio. When we are not frantically working, we share our mishmash of thoughts on design, life, and love here. Grab a cuppa and stay for a bit! Categories
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